The Virtue Of Creativity

Do you want to be a creative person? Or, are you already? Congratulations in either case. A creative person has a spark in their eyes that differentiates them from those around them, they have ideas that only come to mind and a great tenacity to defend them and to break through in life against all the obstacles that may arise.

Creative people have contributed, and in what way to produce the greatest transformations in the world by the way they act and the innovative solutions they find to each problem. But it is not necessary that there is a problem for them to act, but rather they anticipate their time and propose new ways of doing, acting and thinking. And that way they transform the world, without the need to bother anyone. Thanks to them, society remains in constant motion.

Here are some characteristics of creative people. If you see someone out there who has them, wind them up to move on and a piece of advice: do not treat them as crazy or pretend to oppose their plans for nothing, because they almost always get what they set out to do. Rather join her and succeed alongside her. Or who knows, suddenly you are the creative one if this is the case, then dedicate yourself to exploring and exploiting your talent. Now, let's go with the features.

Creatives are optimistic about the future. It is not a vague or blind optimism but is based on the fact that they know what they have in hand, they believe in the results they can obtain and they launch themselves to the conquest of their dreams without anyone being able to stop them.

They have a recognized spirit of explorers. This means that they are not satisfied with the status quo or with the traditional way in which things have been done. They are tireless seekers of new paths and new arrival points.

A spirit of healthy nonconformity navigates your humanity. It is not the classic rebellious nonconformity and in some cases without cause. His is a disagreement with injustice, with inequality, with inequality and with stagnation. They dream, discover, create a new world, but they do not take long to consider that this new world has already become everyday and routine and then they dedicate themselves to doing what they do best: searching for a “new” new world and so on.

They have something to their credit that we should never have lost: the innocent curiosity of children and the spirit of inquiry that led us to observe everything, look at everything and ask about everything.

They are dreamers, the type who are capable of daydreaming. They put their dreams in writing, remember them over and over again and fight tirelessly until they see them turned into a pleasant and tangible reality.

Creatives have an open mind to learn from others: from their university professor and from the man who sells them apples on the corner. Learning, learning and learning is a desire that is only surpassed by the intention to innovate, create and apply.

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