Don't Let Your Breaks Slip Away

We are currently at a stage in history in which technology has become vitally important, not only for science but also for ourselves, for most of the people who have access to certain technologies such as computers and mobile devices. 

Every day, from the moment we get up until the last moment before going to sleep, we are almost all the time aware of our computer, ipad, cell phone, etc. And we do not realize that the time that we used to dedicate to other leisure or rest activities, we now use to be connected to such technological devices as someone who is connected to an oxygen machine. 

People are getting used to it, if not already we are, that our rest translates into checking our social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. Or, to watch certain audiovisual content on platforms such as Netflix. Or also, for those who like games, dedicate a large part or even all of their leisure and rest time to playing a game on their PCs or cell phones. 

But most of the time we do not realize how harmful this can be both for us and for those who are close to us. Well, one of the negative effects of the excessive use of technological devices is social isolation. That is, many times people prefer, for example, to play a game on their PC or check the Facebook startup than to share with their family or loved ones, go out with their friends, do exercises, etc.

In addition, if we do not take the breaks that the body needs, such as doing physical or sports activity or getting enough sleep, our physical well being will be affected, because we will accumulate tension, stress, anxiety. Not counting the harmful effects that constant use of technological devices for sight, because when we are with our cell phones, for example, we do not really rest our eyes, on the contrary.  

It should be noted that rest does not necessarily imply physical or mental inactivity. Well, there are different ways to take a break and still stay active, for example doing some kind of exercise, doing yoga. Also, there are people for whom rest is had by painting, playing music, dancing, among other things. 

What we are trying to say in this article is that the use of time on social networks or using our devices should not necessarily be considered negative; It is important that we do not allocate every period and all of the rest time that we have to carry out these types of activities , because by doing this we are sacrificing a more satisfactory rest such as going out to breathe a little air, carry out activity physical or exercise, which also has endless benefits for our health; chat with our loved ones, or even take a nap so that our system relaxes and restores.  

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