Programming For Abundance

 Most people have resigned themselves to living a life full of limitations often caused by lack of financial means. Many times we think “just having food on my plate and a home to live in is enough” but we don't see beyond that or fight for something else. 

While it is true, material wealth is not synonymous with happiness , and we can already feel blessed just to have food on our table and a place where we can live peacefully, it is also important to think about the idea of ​​prosperity. 

When we think of the words prosperity and abundance, these are often foreign to our daily lives. When we imagine financially rich people something comes to mind that could be a utopia for us, something that we feel we will never achieve. 

And this is justified, because most of the people in our family, school, religious center, city, etc., have been taught that the people who live in material wealth and abundance are others, they are not us, and that we must conform and rather be grateful for what we have. 

But what if we keep dragging all our lives what we were taught about wealth and money, what if we have the false belief that we do not deserve and cannot live in abundance . Most likely, we will never choose to change our lifestyle or income, and therefore, we will never be prosperous people. 

But why at the Center for Self-Improvement we insist so much on the importance of having financial freedom? It is because, as the term implies, having money and economic resources in abundance can precisely provide us with unimaginable freedom of action and enjoyment of life. 

For example, let's just think about the fact that all our lives we spend all our lives worrying about studying to get a job, and when we have a job, all our income disappears because it is barely enough to cover basic expenses. Imagine that at any time you can quit your job or not work for a week just to go on a trip to share and enjoy life, relax and escape from the routine when you want . Well, it is precisely money that can make this possible. 

Money and, in general, material wealth, could end many of the limitations that we have on a daily basis, it gives us a break and freedom of action, movement and decision. It gives us free time and the ability to live life as we deserve it, and that is why it is essential to constantly ensure that you achieve the much needed financial freedom.

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