Within Personal Improvement there are countless books and guides about how to achieve our dreams and build specific goals. Most of them start from the assumption that we already have a goal in mind, that we know what our dreams are and we are clear about what we want to dedicate ourselves to for the rest of our lives.

But what happens when we have no idea what we want or what we want to do? What happens when confusion and indecision stalk us? Many people, when asked what are the objectives they plan to achieve, have little or no clarity in defining them and rather are fraught with frustration at not knowing where to direct all their actions and motivation.

If this is your case, the most appropriate thing is that before knowing how to achieve your goals, know what they are; that is, what do you want to pursue, what do you want to be, have, and where you plan to be in the future.

Now, knowing our goals becomes complex if we do not know ourselves. Who has clear goals in life reflects that he knows himself, his abilities, talents, tastes and exciting activities, etc. Let it be seen that you know where you want to go because you know what things you are passionate about and motivated.

It is for this reason that in this article we wanted to ask you some questions to encourage your self-knowledge, identify what you are passionate about and, from that, you can set clear goals and objectives.

Everything that can arise from self-analysis and reflection about ourselves can be very useful to help us define our goals. To do this, try answering the following questions:

What activities, tasks, or actions do I enjoy doing? Is there a job that you do that you don't really perceive as a job because you enjoy it so much? Write them down on a blank sheet of paper.

What topics do you like to talk about most of the time? When you see information, videos, movies or other material on what topics are they?

Ask others what are you good at naturally? What do they constantly recognize about you? Do they think you have any special talents or abilities? Ask people you trust for answers.

Last but not least, take a look at what your heart tells you to do. After that, analyze what your goals will be in the short, medium and long term based on the pleasant emotions and feelings generated by the things you like.

Many times the goals that we set for ourselves are not achieved because we do not know enough about ourselves. Let's pay more attention to ourselves and then set our course, that will allow us to better consolidate our path and our objectives.

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