The Key Attitude In Difficult Times

 The word optimism originates from the Latin optimum and means ( the best ). Precisely, an optimistic person is one who always hopes and sees the best in the situations that are presented to him. He is the one who, despite the difficulties, focuses on the positive and positive side of things.

 Sometimes, we are faced with situations that in one way or another cause us to feel discouraged, sad or pessimistic about what is happening to us, but at that precise moment is when we must most try to have an appropriate attitude that helps to resolve such situations.

 Every day we face difficulties in the tasks or activities that we carry out. The attitude that we take in the face of this will be what defines if what we were doing is ruined or if everything will be fine and it is only necessary that we fill ourselves with patience and solve things.

 If, for example, we are excited to prepare a special dinner because we will have guests at home, and even more so in this time full of festivities, and we realize that the oven has burned our food, the first reaction to this may be anger, despair, discouragement.

 We may think at that moment that all the activity we planned has been ruined or that now nothing will work out. But you have to know that these are only thoughts that are part of a pessimistic energy that haunts us and is not exactly reality or what is going to happen.

 Faced with this and countless other complex situations that we face, what decides if our plans will go well is the attitude we take in the face of these circumstances.

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