Motivation As a Factor Of Social Well-Being

 If we talk about motivation, the most likely thing is that the first thing with which it is associated is with an individual condition that brings great improvements on a personal level, we conceive of motivation as a special energy that helps us to direct our decisions and actions in life . However, Abhishek Gopalka, a Hindu consultant, relates that motivation goes beyond an individual sphere and that it should rather be taken to broader spheres.

What measures would we think to develop if we were the ministers of a country that requires significant improvements in the health system of their country? Gopalka said that was the question he had to ask himself in 2016 when he was asked to help improve the health system in Rajasthan, a town in India that had a very poor health system and had high rates of infant mortality and disease. infectious.

Gopalka, after thinking for several days, pointed out that he could not follow the same routes that other governors had taken in the past and thought that what should be encouraged was that all the measures that were carried out were aimed at unleashing the motivation of the people involved. within the health system. Its primary objective was to change the perspective of the entire local health system, which should not be thought of as a business but as a service in favor of the consultants.

Encouraging motivation began with a restructuring of the educational system with which professionals in the health area had been trained, it implied from starting to promote manners to improving working conditions within the health system.

What have been the results? Rajasthan in 2016 ranked 20th out of cities in India for the organization of their health systems according to a World Bank survey. Now 3 years into the project, Rajasthan is ranked 16th. A slow but quite significant advance that makes it clear that there have been changes for the better.

It seems that getting out of traditional actions is quite favorable, something that perhaps not all rulers come to consider when stipulating their government plans.

Motivation must stop being thought only from the individual level, it must be expanded so that more of its benefits reach all possible sectors of society. Or perhaps an optimistic and determined mentality will not be good stimulants and generators of social well-being?

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