At various times, we have stressed the importance of reading. However, for various reasons we often fail to take advantage of the content as we should, and therefore we fail to have an effective reading.
Therefore, you will find here some tips and recommendations when reading, so that you can benefit as much as possible and have a broader understanding and memory of what you read.
Some of the tips are:
Throughout the text, ask yourself repeatedly what is the author trying to say? What do you want to tell me with this paragraph?
For each paragraph you read, pick out one to three keywords that summarize the lines you have read.
Always try to find what the writer's thesis is, that is, what he tries to affirm or deny throughout his book.
Underline what you consider important while you read, this will help your mind to save the most relevant information from the text more easily.
For each paragraph or page you read, make a synthesis of what the author says, that is, try to explain in your own words what the author says. This will also help you understand the reading better.
Finally, look on the web or in a dictionary for all those words that you are not clear about or that you do not know, because this encourages a more adequate assimilation of the text.
These are some of the effective reading tools that you can include every time you read from now on. They will help you significantly not only to understand but also to remember in the long term what you read and to use all that information in your daily life.