Focus Your Motivation By Betting Priorities

 On a previous occasion we have said that there is no lack of motivation, this is a great myth, in reality there is always motivation; however, it is sometimes directed towards activities that are not what we would like or expect.

A case as an example: A mother complains because her son plays a lot of video games and does not study because he is not motivated. In this case, the son does have motivation and is directing it towards games, however this motivation is not directed to study but, as we said, to games. He is not unmotivated, what he has is a motivation aimed at games.

So before you think that you are unmotivated, try to think about where it is that you are directing the motivation.

The activities can be classified in order of priority and each person can determine what is the priority level of the activities that you carry out: if they are not of high, medium or low priority.

Sometimes what happens is that we direct motivation towards low priority activities when we know we need to focus that motivation on high priority ones.

What could be some strategies to help us focus on motivation? We point out some ideas here:

Order and prioritize the activities you do with a certain frequency during the day

Be aware of which activities you are directing your motivation towards

If you have high-priority activities but aren't spending enough time on them, consider making significant changes to your time allocation.

"Do what you have to do whether you want to or not" is a phrase that I have heard and it asks us that if we have very high priority activities we must strive to get the courage to do them, sometimes it is difficult but the results are extremely satisfactory when you get to do the things you needed.

In summary, being attentive to the activities we carry out and establishing priorities are the key to being able to focus our motivation, which in many cases is the best impulse we need to give the best of ourselves in everything we do.

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