Fatness Lowers Your Self Esteem

 The word fat, nobody likes to hear it. It encompasses so many things and so many emotional factors, that just when we hear it we are paralyzed and our self esteem falls to our feet suddenly; It is there where we feel vulnerable and we do not know what to do or where to go, since our body tends to close and paralyze and we enter into a great discouragement.

But we have to overcome that word so that we can release it from our body. For this, we would have to know what emotional connotations it encompasses, which affect us more than we think; as they are:

Feeling ugly. The clothes don't suit me. I don't feel good about my image. My character changes. Isolation. Boycott myself through bottomless eating.

Read this list and see where you are. Once you know it, keep reading to find out how to get out of there, in the fastest and most forceful way.

Feeling ugly: I don't like or like me, but I don't know what to do. Well, what you have to do is:

Take a look in the mirror and verbalize what you want to change in a given timeframe and how to do it. Once you have it clear, take a calendar, mark what you want to change and in how much time. Each day write in it what you have done to achieve it. At the end of the month, see what you have done to improve that ugliness with which you have identified.

If you have many points in your favor, congratulations, you are on the right track and if you have many negatives, be careful, you have fallen into the comparative; the external has been able to do more and you have left your goal. Don't be discouraged, start over.

Take the calendar and look again for your point of balance with which you feel good and more identified.

The clothes do not suit me: You are at a time when you put on your clothes and they tighten you, you are not comfortable, the “love handles” come out, or the curves are marked excessively; that makes you uncomfortable and leads you to cover yourself and your beautiful body. Do not do it, because if you cover it, the body will bounce and you will take on more and more weight.

You have to see what you have left over, what has happened to you emotionally to get there; Some love, work, family, or even money, which creates anguish and discouragement and leads you to eat and eat.

You don't know how to get out of there; it's easy, what you have to do is accept your current body. If you have gone up in size, buy clothes of that size and once you have adapted to your body to that size, start to see what you have to change on an emotional level to return to your axis of reference from before.

I do not feel good about my image: I have been with the same hair, the same image and the same paintings for more than five years, it is as if time passes externally but I am still trapped in the same pattern. That leads me to fall into a routine and a very deep feeling of more of the same that is later reflected in my character, in my pasotism and in my great conformity.

If you feel that way, go outside, don't stand there. Go to the hairdresser, get a cut, change color. Buy new things and add color to your life, since the gloom is making you die. Do it for yourself, for no one else, because if you do it with awareness you will see how the external notices it and they see your change. But the most important thing is that you are going to meet again and put yourself back on the starting line of life.

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