How To Improve Website Traffic and Sales

The Internet is growing faster than most traditional merchants would like.

Web surfers go from site to site, opening multiple windows, and

without spending much time on them.

This is not good news for those who need to attract visitors and get them to buy their product or service.

However, there are still a few ways to get a visitor to return to your site as a customer.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by offering them e-books.

The cost of publishing and delivering an e-book is practically none. No hassles from the mail,

no postage, no address, no printing cost, etc. The best thing is that people can

download it immediately or order it through an autoresponder and receive it in a matter of


Offer your eBooks as a free bonus if they purchase one of your products or services.


It is a good idea to create an ebook that contains your entire web site with articles of interest.

Let them distribute it to their friends and family. You can also include a mini

catalog of all your products or services.

Increase subscribers to your Newsletter (e-zine) by offering free e-books. That will give a

incentive to subscribe.

If you want to sell your e-book, you can offer a couple of chapters as a free sample. Offer the

option to people who liked the sample to request the full version.

When you write in an ebook that is read by thousands and thousands of people, you will be known

as an expert. This will earn people's trust and they will either buy your main product or have it

very much in mind for the future or to recommend it to third parties.

Give your current clients e-books. This way you let them know that you appreciate their business,

you recognize your customers and want to keep them. Place an ad in the e-book offering a

new product.

Using e-books in conjunction with other marketing techniques can also increase traffic to

your website.

If your e-book is freely distributed, why not give other webmasters permission to distribute it on

their websites?

You are providing them with great value (which increases traffic to their website) and you

are generating the same traffic to your site (from your e-book links).

You can even sell advertising within your e-books. Especially if you post them

periodically they receive much more credibility and generate more expectations than a regular ezine.

E-Books are something to think about using as it is one of the most far-reaching trends in

Today's Internet Marketing.

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