There may be many reasons that have prompted you to start reading this article. I don't pretend that you say or do anything. Just read. When you're done, you might feel better.
We live in a very difficult time in human history. Daily we fight against elements superior to ourselves. Fight of giants, as many people would say. Maybe that song has inspired me to write this article. Can be. Or maybe the desire to help people, even if you are a complete stranger to me.
Hundreds or thousands of problems flood us, family, friends and ourselves. Did you ever think about leaving everything and giving up? You feel that you no longer have the strength or motivation to continue in the fight. A fleeting idea occurs to you: throw in the towel. But again you look the other way and find reasons to continue, at least once more, at the foot of the canyon. Because there is no other escape. Maybe there is, but you don't want to make that decision.
Fear sometimes protects us. It is good to be afraid of the unknown. That makes you stop your feet and not move further towards a point from which you may no longer be able to return. Known as the point of no return. And in life they don't give you many opportunities. Just one. So we must use it well. You did well to draw strength from weakness and not opt for the easy solution, abandon ship. That is what cowards do. A sane person does not wish evil on anyone, therefore he does not want to harm those closest to him.
You may think that you are alone. But it is not true. They watch you. They look at you, they want you to be happy in life. What happens is that they don't tell you. What is the price of a human life? Superhuman efforts are made to search for living bodies after an earthquake. People who abandon everything with the slightest hope of rescuing a human life from the rubble. That thought alone is what moves the rescue battalions. A life is priceless. How much is a slave worth? That is the paradox. No one would put a price on his freedom, or on his life.
Therefore, when you find yourself lacking in motivation, you should think about those small things that can make you smile and continue to fight at least with that idea. You will discard negative thoughts and search your mind for happy and positive ideas, pleasant memories, plans for the future or whatever else will keep you going against the current and fighting in this jungle called life, where ruthless predators want to devour us. They lurk waiting for us to lower our arms to sink further into misery. But you must take the pride out of yourself and do everything you can to reach the shore. You must swim with all your might and slap anyone who insinuates you that you will not succeed.
Only then can you say with total pride: "I did not throw in the towel.